Recipes for Dog Food





Dog Food Recipe with Beef Liver

Purchase Beef Liver, Heart, Kidney, or Tongue – just send us an email or give us a call 314-420-8696.  Free delivery in the St. Louis region!

Liver ~ $7.00 per pound – Average package size = 2-3 LBS  Heart ~ $5.50 per pound – Average package size = 2-3 LBS  Tongue~ $7.50 per package Kidney~ $5.00 per package

Recipe ingredients needed:

  1. Pierce Creek Cattle Company beef liver (can also use beef heart) – thawed overnight in the refrigerator.
  2. Brown rice.
  3. Two or more16 oz. bag of frozen mixed vegetables (corn, green beans, peas, and carrots).  Note:  do not use a mix with onions!  Check with your Vet if you have any questions about what your dog can/cannot eat.
  4. 1 – large cooking pot (8-quart size is good) and 1 – baking pan.


If you want to add a step, boil a beef bone first to make beef broth and cook the rice in the beef broth!

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Remove frozen vegetables from the freezer and let thaw while other ingredients are being prepared.
  3. Place thawed Pierce Creek Cattle Company beef liver, in a baking pan with 4 cups of water.  Cook for 45 minutes.  Check periodically to make sure water does not fully evaporate and add more if it looks like it is drying up. In addition to making gravy, it makes cleaning up easy.
  4. Cook the rice separately as directed in premade beef broth or water. 2 – 2.5 cups of liquid for each cup of uncooked rice, use approximately 5 – 6 cups of uncooked rice. This should fit an 8-quart stockpot.
  5. When the beef liver is cooked thoroughly remove it from the oven and let cool.
  6. Cut the beef liver into ¼” bite-size pieces. We like to use kitchen scissors for this step.
  7. Combine thawed vegetables and cut-up beef liver pieces with cooked rice, mix all ingredients together.
  8. Let cool and then place in storage containers or freezer bags.

The serving size is one cup of prepared dog food. The serving size depends on your dog’s weight and size so please check with your dog’s Vet. We mix with approximately 30% hard kibble to help keep teeth clean. This recipe makes 32 to 36 cups of food and costs about .20 cents per serving. Money well spent to keep your pet happy and healthy!

Prepared dog food can be placed in freezer bags and frozen for future use.

Cooking Dog Food with Beef Kidney or Beef Tongue

The above recipe can be modified for beef kidneys and beef tongues.

Cooking beef kidneys and beef tongues require boiling in a pot on the stovetop instead of baking.  Beef kidney and beef tongue are cooked differently. With beef kidney boil and throw the water out. With beef tongue boil and use the water. The beef tongue needs to have the outer skin removed after cooking.

Important note: Remember don’t use a vegetable mix with onions or add onions or garlic!  Check with your Vet if you have any questions about what your dog can/cannot eat.

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